Month: November 2018


Life has moments! We are able to capture them in many different ways such as;

  • Photography
  • Written experience
  • Video tape
  • Music

But what I find so crazy is that when we are in the moment, we are never truly in the moment.

Let me give you some content here : a first date. Oooh some juice ha ha, focus Tiffany. You can see I’m already nervous.

So you get asked out on a date, pause. Do guys even know what girls do just to empress themselves? Then again we ladies don’t know what they are doing. We all Hush hush!

Anyway, so you get to the date, you sit down and your mind races. ” Oh my word do I look okay, like do I have lipstick on my teeth, wow my head is itchy, this dress is so tight I need to fart (okay maybe that is just me) but as we females are all thinking this, your date is like “she gave me a chance, she is sooo beautiful (heart eyes) I am so lucky, thank you Lord”.

Feel I was getting all weird there but what I actually meant by saying all of this. We tend to not enjoy the moment to it’s fullest. If we could just take note of how she was being admired by her date, she would have possibly had a better time.

Another example, that you will never forget moments that have made you smile. If it was a dumb joke, where to this day you still laugh about it! Some of you are laughing right now! Ha ha ha ha

Okay one more, I promise. So going to a concert or festival. Oh my word it annoys me so much when people take their phones out and record everything and forget to just make memories and enjoy the moment man. Yes it’s good to look back at those memories but if you had just been in the moment it would have been soo much better. I guess that’s just me!

Maybe I am talking to much but I really think that if we live our moments or experiences to the fullest, more smiles, laughter and love will be shared.

Forget the worry and stress, happiness is on the way…