Month: March 2021

The power of a great beat

Oh my word where do I begin!!!

Music has always been an escape for me but finding that good song you dance to like no1 is watching! Now that, shoooo the best!

It’s like you dance pain, bad vibes or energy away. No matter your type of genre, when you find that one that just gets everything and everyone moving!

That beat that gets you high in the clouds and keeps you there. There is no coming down from it. Hands in the air not caring about the person next to you but enjoying the experience and journey the song is taking you on.

I know for me music has helped me through so much. Break ups, job loss, new car, new partner, loss of friends and family members. I even started making music with someone and dammm was that something to remember. Being able to place a beat in a specific way so that the sound travels in your ears to hit that zone of pure excitement. It was short lived for various reasons I just know it is one to remember. Who knows I may start doing it again.

I can only speak for myself and say I have missed being on the dance floor especially since we had this lockdown. Dancing is a crazy release of so much for me. So I downloaded a few song, bought myself some headphones and got my grove on. Did it give me the same feeling when I’m on the dance floor? I would say about 60%. So I can’t wait for my next festival or event to kick it at 100%. Until then imma rock my 60% hard ha ha.

Songs to listen to – Narna – ft Piajo (SoundCloud) let me know what you think?